Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fine Motor Skills Blog Series #4: Tummy Time and Fine Motor Skills

As an occupational therapist, I know the importance of tummy time but sometimes parents and day care workers hate to put children on their tummies because the child may cry. Tummy time is hard for children as it required work to lift the head and they can't see their surroundings as well. However, just like brushing teeth can be a battle, there are certain things that just have to be done!

What's SIDS got to do with it?
Many national pediatric associations promote putting children to bed on their backs due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. There has been a reduction in SIDS since this recommendations. However, this has also reduced the amount of time children spend on their tummy.

Must See Video
Pathways Awareness Centre has done an amazing job at promoting Tummy Time. Check out this must see video about tummy time and motor abilities. Share this video!

Keep an eye out for my next blog with more specifics about tummy time. This is so important as it is the basis of PREVENTING fine motor skills delays.


1 comment:

  1. Karey - I just wanted to post a link to a "tummy time tutorial" by Pathways...hope this is helpful too!
