Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fine Motor Skills...What are they and why are they so important?

Fine motor skills are defined as the coordination of the fingers and thumb. These skills allow us to engage every day in our self care, productivity and leisure activities. The only time you're not using your hands....well, is likely when you're watching television. Even then, you may be using the remote control, eating and making notes on your child's homework! So really, sleeping would be my next example of when your fine motor skills are "at rest"!

So why should you care about fine motor skills?

Firstly the children in your life need you to care as you may be the only person who picks up on what may be a fine motor skill delay. If you are reading this blog, you may already have a child in mind that may be having difficulty. My best advice is to start as young as possible to promote the development of fine motor skills instead of waiting to see if a delay will present itself. If a fine motor delay is left, a child's future can be affected including their academics as well as job options as an adult.

This is why I developed HandWorks, Fine Motor Skills Training and I'll talk more about the content of this training in later blogs. This website will be launched end of October 2009 and will offer fine motor skill webinars and tools to aid in fine motor skill development.

Keep a watch out for my monthly blogs for the latest research, tips, assessment tools and fine motor skill resources.


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